35Cl Isotope Applications:

Chlorine-35 isotope (Cl-35 isotope, 35Cl isotope)

  • 35Cl isotope is used for production of Chlorine-36 (Cl-36 isotope, 36Cl isotope) radionuclide (radioisotope) for use in e.g. biological research and life science;

35Cl isotope is available to order from BuyIsotope.com in 35Cl sodium chloride (NaCl) chemical form. Please contact us via request a 35Cl quote BuyIsotope.com to order 35Cl isotope, to get 35Cl price and to buy 35Cl isotope.

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Properties of 35Cl Isotope:

Properties of 35Cl Isotope:35Cl
Natural Abundance (%)76
Atomic Mass (Da)34.96885269
Relative Isotopic Mass34.96885269
Neutron Number (N)18
Atomic Number (Z)17
Mass Number (A)35
Nucleon Number (A)35
Proton Number (Z)17
Quadrupole Moment -0.08249
g-factor (g value)0.5479162
Electron Configuration Blockp
Melting Point (K)172.2
Boiling Point (K)238.6
Specific Heat0
Heat of Formation121.302
Thermal Conductivity0.0089
Dipole Polarizability 14.6
Electron Affinity (kJ/mole)3.612725
Electronegativity (Pauling scale)3.16
Atomic Radius (pm)0
Covalent Radius (pm)100
VDW Radius (pm)175
Lattice Constant6.24
Crystal StructureORC
Jmol color#1ff01f

35Cl Information

Chlorine is a halogen element. It is the poisonous greenish-yellow gas. This element occurs widely in nature as sodium chloride in seawater. It reacts directly with many elements and compounds, strong oxidizing agent. Chlorine was discovered by Karl Scheele in 1774. Humphrey David confirmed chlorine as an element in 1810. Chlorine has 25 isotopes, 2 of them are stable and naturally occurring.

Chlorine is used in water purification, bleaches, acids and many other compounds such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFC).

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FAQ about 35Cl Isotope:

What is 35Cl isotope natural abundance?
Answer: 76.000 %

What is atomic mass for 35Cl isotope?
Answer: 34.968853 Da

What is isotopic mass for 35Cl isotope?
Answer: 34.968853

How many neutrons does 35Cl isotope have?
Answer: 18

How many protons does 35Cl isotope have?
Answer: 17

How many electrons does 35Cl isotope have?
Answer: 17

What is atomic number for 35Cl isotope?
Answer: 17

Is 35Cl isotope stable?
Answer: Yes

Is 35Cl isotope radioactive?
Answer: No

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